Unveiling day. Thanks to the support and willingness of the members of the Commemorative Air Force Museum in Camarillo, the Unveiling went off without a hitch. They painted the walls a sky blue color with clouds, and hung three other paintings of mine up that were aviation related. (They are seen in the back ground)
Five months ago when I had finished the painting I made contact with the Wings of Fame Museum in Chino California, and asked if they would be willing to fly their P-40 up to Camarillo to be present for the unveiling of my painting, "Tigers Over Kweilin". They responded with an enthusiastic "YES!!".
Spring forward to May 7, 2009, an hour before the ceremony, Chino's P-40 arrived right on time and taxied in to the ramp area of the CAF. She was a beautiful bird, in immaculate condition!
When the time arrived and the guests were seated, a few speeches were made about the history of the America's involvement in the Fight for China, in the lead-up to WWII.
Then it was my turn to speak about the process of what went in to the manifestation of this painting, and what motivated me. I am wearing my Flying Tiger's Association cap signed by Flying Tiger Ace, Dick Rossi.